header artwork of an ancient arena, and two rotating suns beside it.


Welcome to my website! I initially only wanted a place to host commissions that wasn't a pay-to-use site, but I figured I should also have a spot to put theoretically anything I want. My interests are all over the place, but obviously the page is themed after jojo. Generally speaking, some stuff I really love are things relating to knights, robots, and retro shooters!

If I know you or we're mutuals on social media, feel free to ask for my steam or discord! Otherwise, go ahead and check out anything on this website, or follow/message/reach out to me elsewhere. Tumblr is where I'm most active.

I am trying hard to get better at html. Unfortunately I have a caveman brain. Most pages are dark-themed, but the music page is light-themed. This site has gifs, but I try not to use them in excess.

artwork of Joseph and Wham
an emblem of Joseph

Main BlogArt BlogTwitterSheezyArtfightFlight Risinga gif of a boston terrier chewing gum.